Recordings Of 911 Calls Capture Panic After Florida Condo Collapsed 

Recordings Of 911 Calls Capture Panic After Florida Condo Collapsed 
Recordings Of 911 Calls Capture Panic After Florida Condo Collapsed 
Recordings of the 911 calls made by residents and neighbours after the partial collapse of the South Florida condominium tower in Surfside, Florida captured panic.

Gatekeepers News reports that Miami-Dade Police Department released the recordings of about two dozen distraught 911 calls on Wednesday.

“I’m in the Champlain Towers, something is going on here. You gotta get us out of here.”

“It seemed like there was an earthquake.”

“Oh my God, the whole building collapsed,” one of the people trapped in the collapsed 12-story Champlain Towers in the early hours of June 24 said during the 911 call.

Another panicked woman told the operator from her apartment: “Half the building’s gone!”

Also, a woman calling from the second floor told the operator that she couldn’t find an exit.

“We didn’t know which stairs we can get out,” she said.

While a man on the same call told the operator he heard people yelling from the collapsed portion of the building.

“There’s people yelling, saying that they’re stuck,” he said.

“Is it safe for us to stay here?” he later asked.

Gatekeepers News gathered that the operator stayed with him on the phone as he and his family went down to the basement finding a way out.

“The entire garage is flooded,” he said, updating the operator that they were going to try to go back to the second floor and that other people had joined his family.

“There are people in the rubble yelling, by the way,” he added.

Another person called 911 from the flooded garage.

“A bunch of us are in the garage but we cannot get out,” the caller said.

“We’re going back up the stairwell, the garage is inundated with water. We don’t know where the water is coming from.”

A distressed woman called from outside the parking garage, asking to be rescued.

“Can somebody help me get out?” she asked. “I was able to escape but I’m in the parking lot. If the building comes down it will come down on my head.”

The recordings revealed family members of those who lived in the condo also called to beg for help.

“My sister lives there,” one person said. “I don’t know, something happened to it. I don’t know, half of the building isn’t there anymore. She is alive and she is there, she’s in apartment [muted]. If someone can get her out through the balcony.”

Witnesses also called 911.

“What are you seeing sir because we are getting a lot of calls over there?” an overwhelmed operator asked in one call.

“A very large building collapse, like the building next to us is gone,” the caller replied.

Another caller, who was a block and a half away, reported hearing an explosion.

Others reported seeing smoke and flames following the collapse.

“A building collapsed a block away from me and there is major smoke everywhere. We don’t know if anybody is hurt,” a caller said. “I heard the explosion all the way and the building is collapsing.”

Several callers described hearing what sounded like an earthquake, as well as an explosion from the garage.

“I woke up because I was hearing some noise,” one caller said. “I looked outside and the patio area started sinking down.”

“The building just went into the sinkhole,” the caller said a few seconds later. “There will be many, many people dead.”

Gatekeepers News reports that no fewer than 97 bodies have been pulled out from the rubble of the collapsed building as the investigation is still ongoing to unravel the cause of the incident.

Meanwhile, documents released by the city of Surfside indicated that there was structural damage to the concrete slabs on the condo building’s pool deck and failed waterproofing in parts of the tower and that the pool deck and the ceiling of the underground parking garage beneath it had needed repairs as early as 1996.