Italy Mandates COVID-19 ‘Green Pass’ For All Workers

Italy Mandates COVID-19 'Green Pass' For All Workers
Italy Mandates COVID-19 'Green Pass' For All Workers
Italy has said from October 15, all workers will be asked to display a COVID-19 health pass, a move geared towards ensuring people get inoculated and curb the spread of the virus.

Gatekeepers News reports that Italy’s Health Minister Roberto Speranza announced that employees in public and private sectors will need to present proof of vaccination, a recent negative COVID-19 test or recovery from the virus in the previous six months before they will be allowed into their workplaces.

“The Green Pass is an instrument of freedom, that will help us make workplaces safer,” Speranza said at a news conference on Thursday.

“The second reason is to reinforce our vaccine campaign.”

The Green Pass condition concerns 14.7 million private-sector workers and 3.2 million in state-supported jobs.

Before, medical personnel were compelled to be vaccinated, while the Green Pass rule had been in place only for school employees.

Gatekeepers News reports that the Green Passes are also mandatory for indoor leisure activities, such as dining, visiting the theatre or museum, and for long-distance domestic travel.

Workers who, however, fail to present valid health certificates will not be sacked but be suspended on no pay, according to ministers who spoke with reporters after Prime Minister Mario Draghi’s ’s cabinet approved the measures.

There will also be a fine of 600 to 1,500 euros ($705-$1,765) for people who ignore the decree and go to work regardless, while the sanction for employers will be 400-1,000 euros ($470-$1,175).