Recruitment: Apply For PricewaterhouseCooper (PwC) Recruitment 2022

Recruitment: Apply For PwC Recruitment 2024
Recruitment: Apply For PwC Recruitment 2024

Recruitment, apply for PricewaterhouseCooper (PwC) recruitment 2022 below.

Gatekeepers News reports that PricewaterhouseCooper (PwC) Nigeria has been operating in Nigeria since 1953 through its predecessor firms of Coopers & Lybrand and Price Waterhouse. They are one of the leading professional services firms in the country with offices in Lagos, Abuja, and Port Harcourt, over 1000 staff, and 31 resident partners.

PricewaterhouseCooper (PwC) is recruiting to fill the following positions:

Job Title: 2022 Tech Talent Bootcamp

Location: Nigeria
Slot: 50 Openings

Job Description
Kickstart your software career:

  • Get equipped with advanced tech skills, tools and resources you need to excel in IT and secure a job with PwC Nigeria.
  • The objective of the Bootcamp is to develop analytical and software development/engineering capabilities required to tackle complex business problems, by leveraging PwC’s essential 8 technologies to address growing issues and harness emerging opportunities across Africa.
  • 6 weeks of intensive training and career development
  • 50 techies will be selected to participate in the boot camp
  • 10+ slots of employment offer available for the ten best participants.

Learning Tracks:

  • Full-stack Software Engineering
  • Data Science / DB Management

Who should apply?

  • Individuals between the ages of 18-30 located in Lagos Nigeria for the entire duration of the program (6 weeks).
  • Individuals with strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • Individuals that are of proven integrity, and who respect confidentiality agreements.
  • Individuals who possess excellent writing and oral communication skills and individuals who have the ability to explain complex solutions to a non-technical audience.
  • Individuals who think outside the box and can quickly learn new ideas and concepts
  • Good team players, who are self-motivated and able to work with minimal supervision.
  • Individuals who pay attention to detail and are able to assess work to identify any error (e.g. code-review).
  • Individuals who are able to translate business requirements into solutions.
  • Individuals who can actively identify system vulnerabilities and document them.
  • Be able to organize and coordinate solutions proposed by the team in a formal document for presentation.

Bootcamp Benefits

  • Employment contract for participants with exceptional performance
  • An opportunity to be placed in PwC’s pool of software engineering professionals for future engagements
  • An opportunity to acquire high demand technical skills and become readily employable.
  • Stipends that cover basic expenses during the program.

Application Closing Date
Not Specified.

Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should:
Click here to apply online

Disclaimer: Gatekeepers Newgets job vacancies from advertising agencies and other sources to inform the public about employment opportunities. Gatekeepers Newor any agent does not seek any payment in whatever form for prospective candidates to apply. We, therefore, implore you not to pay for any job vacancies because they are not for sale, and we are not responsible for any loss that may arise as a result of this.