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Airport Runs Out Of Water – Toilets Unable To Flush And Restaurants Shut

Airport Runs Out Of Water - Toilets Unable To Flush And Restaurants Shut
Gatwick Airport is running out of water as families gather to fly away in the midst of a scorching British heatwave.

Gatekeepers News quotes a report by Metro UK that a burst water main has resulted in low water pressure – with only two toilets reported to be working in one terminal.

Some restaurants have not been able to provide food or drinks as SES Water works to resolve the issue.

Airport officials have apologised to passengers and handed out bottled water.

Some 1,500 homes in the Crawley area have also been impacted as temperatures surge to 25°C.

Raquel Rodrigues, 49, who is flying to Spain, said she had already had a flight cancelled amid dire staffing troubles faced by UK airports and ‘now there are no toilets’.

The Worthing local said: ‘There are only two working in the whole terminal and you can imagine what the queues are like.

‘Nobody wants the airport to close but there are heated exchanges between staff and people trying to travel with young families.

‘Apparently, there is a tanker coming but it’s just a bit third world.’

A Gatwick spokesperson said: ‘An issue with the supply of SES Water to Gatwick and the surrounding area this morning has led to lower water pressure than normal across the airport.

‘We are working closely with SES Water to ensure this issue is resolved as quickly as possible.

‘Bottled water is being made available to passengers and staff across the airport and other contingency measures are being put in place to ensure the welfare of our passengers. We apologise for any inconvenience to passengers.’

A spokesman for SES Water said: ‘We have identified a burst water main in Shipley Bridge, Crawley, and are working hard to resolve this.

‘As we progress with the repair, we’re hopeful this will begin to restore pressure to the surrounding areas.’

Culled from Metro UK

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