Career Opportunities

Recruitment: Apply For Crown Hope International Academy Recruitment 2022

Recruitment, apply for Mercy Corps recruitment 2022 below.

Gatekeepers News reports that Crown Hope International Academy is established to create a holistic culture of excellence, creativity, quest for knowledge and faith; where children can be nurtured to grow Spiritually, Academically, Emotionally, and Socially.

Mercy Corps is recruiting to fill the positions below:

1.) Subject & Language Teacher (French, Music & ICT)
Location: Accra, Ghana
Deadline: 15th September, 2022.

2.) Primary School Class Teacher
Location: Accra, Ghana
Deadline: 15th September, 2022.

3.) Junior High School Teacher
Location: Accra, Ghana
Deadline: 15th September, 2022.

4.) Early Years Class Teacher
Location: Accra, Ghana
Deadline: 15th September, 2022.

Disclaimer: Gatekeepers Newgets job vacancies from advertising agencies and other sources to inform the public about employment opportunities. Gatekeepers Newor any agent does not seek any payment in whatever form for prospective candidates to apply. We, therefore, implore you not to pay for any job vacancies because they are not for sale, and we are not responsible for any loss that may arise as a result of this.

Fehintola Ambali-Salam

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