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“We Don’t Have the Right” – Islamic Cleric Warns Muslims Against Blocking Road For Prayer

An Islamic cleric based in Ilorin has issued a stern warning to worshippers who have formed the habit of blocking major roads in the guise of them praying to Allah.

Gatekeepers News reports that in a trending video, the cleric identified as Sanusi Lafiaji warned his compatriots that they should desist from such an act, emphasising the danger and deeming it a bad habit.

The video which has since gathered mixed reactions was shared on the cleric’s Tiktok account. In the video, the cleric said such an act is dangerous and could lead to a loss of life.

The Ilorin cleric said: “We have to be very careful, people have a right and I keep saying it, we don’t have a right as Muslims to block the road because we want to pray.

“Why would you be blocking roads because you want to pray even if it’s five minutes, somebody can lose his or her life in that five minutes.

“Someone is sick they need to rush him to the hospital, you block the road, tell me how that person will not die. Let alone the nonsense we do in this town here in Ilorin. People are so wicked that on Saturdays, sometimes even on weekdays, because they want to do naming ceremony or wedding ceremony, they block the road.

“You would have reached half of the road before you would realise that they have their tents on the road, you have to go back.

“Walahi whoever is doing this should go and repent; It is a very bad habit.”


See Video Below:

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