Recruitment: Apply For LSMoH Recruitment 2024

Recruitment, apply for LSMoH recruitment 2024 below.

Gatekeepers News reports that Lagos State Ministry of Health (LSMoH) is a Principal Recipient (PR) for Integrated Global Fund Grant comprising of HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Resilient Sustainable Systems for Health (RSSH).

Chicken Republic (a Subsidiary of Food Concepts) is recruiting to fill the following positions:

Data Entry Clerk

Job Specifications:

  • Full Time
  • Required Qualifications: OND – BA/BSC/HND
  • Location: Lagos | Nigeria.

Job Description:

  • Work with the LGA Focal Persons, M&E Officers and LACA structures to ensure that all facilities offering HIV services within the LGA are reporting timely and quality HIV data.
  • Conduct supportive supervision visits to health facilities providing HIV services within their respective LGAs. Visit at least 3 facilities per week with evidence of visits (Signed supervision visits register).
  • Ensure adequate availability of M&E (PMM and PME) Tools across the supported health facilities (public and private)
  • Work with the Logistic Officer (SASCP) to ensure there  are No Stock Out of HIV Commodities at the facilities (public and private)
  • Submit quality and complete HIV reports (HTS, PMTCT, ART) on the new national reporting platform – National Data Reporting System (NDARs) on or before 10th of the following month.
  • Work with the Implementing Partners within the facility to ensure provision of quality HIV services and routine data is promptly provided to the State AIDS Control Program unit.
  • Work with Local Implementation Team (which includes the LGA FP, LGA M&E officer) on coordination and implementation of the HIV activities in their LGAs using data to make informed decisions.
  • Attend the quarterly State-level Data Validation Meetings and make presentations as required.
  • Participate in other grant-related activities where attention/services are required.
  • Any other task as assigned by the Supervisors at the LGA and State level.

Qualifications and Requirements:

  • Should possess OND/B.Sc/HND in any related field.

Click here to apply online

Deadline: Not Specified

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