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Edo 2024: Women Groups In Auchi Back Asue Ighodalo

Women groups in Auchi have expressed support for the candidacy of Dr. Asue Ighodalo ahead of the September 2024 governorship election in the state.

Gatekeepers News reports that in their ongoing commitment to fostering good governance in Edo State, the Afemai Coalition for Asue Ighodalo continued their grassroots outreach efforts in Auchi to rally support for Dr. Asue Ighodalo’s candidacy in the upcoming September 2024 elections.

The coalition engaged with women groups in several areas, including Setraco in Usogun Autonomous Village and Ughuye and Afhobomhe quarters in Akpekpe Autonomous Village of Auchi.

Edo 2024: Women Groups In Auchi Back Asue Ighodalo Edo 2024: Women Groups In Auchi Back Asue Ighodalo Edo 2024: Women Groups In Auchi Back Asue Ighodalo Edo 2024: Women Groups In Auchi Back Asue Ighodalo

During these interactions, the coalition assured the women of Dr. Ighodalo’s dedication to their welfare and that of their children. Emphasizing his unblemished record, integrity, and commitment to excellence. They instilled confidence in the vision of Edo’s resources being used for the benefit of its people under Ighodalo’s leadership.

The women expressed enthusiasm for the active participation of women and youth in Dr. Ighodalo’s campaign and envisioned government come November 2024. They also highlighted pressing community challenges, and appealed for assistance knowing that Asue Ighodalo ‘na the man wen e go do am.’

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