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2023: Nigeria Needs A Problem Solver Not Consensus Candidate — Peter Obi

Peoples Democratic Party presidential aspirant and former Governor of Anambra State, Peter Obi, said Nigerians were not in need of a consensus candidate but a problem solver who could fix the country.

Gatekeepers News reports that Obi said this while meeting with some PDP delegates and other officials of the party in Abakaliki, the Ebonyi State capital.

He added that Nigerians were earnestly looking forward to having a true leader capable of making the nation productive and pulling them out of the cesspit of poverty.

He lamented that the country was presently “insecure”, saying ”Nigeria is not unified – unproductive – and it is collapsing”.

Obi said, “The firm duty of a leader is to be a problem solver. Nigerians are looking forward to somebody that can make Nigeria productive and start getting Nigerians to be pulled out of poverty.

”That’s what Nigerians are looking for, not a consensus candidate. So, I want to correct that.

“Even the Northerners; everybody has a problem in Nigeria. Nigeria, as it is today, is insecure, Nigeria is not unified and Nigeria is unproductive.

“It is collapsing. They (Nigerians) are looking for a fixer – somebody who will start creating wealth – not about where is this. Where you come from is important, because some people can say we are looking for equity and justification, which is necessary in a diverse country.

“But most importantly, we want someone who will start creating wealth in Nigeria.

“You need to check my track record. I’m a trader. I have operated in the corporate world. I have been a Governor. That’s the record you need to check. You don’t need to ask me. Just check my trajectory. And I have been everywhere in the world and I believe I can fix Nigeria.

“I maintain that the PDP has an array of candidates who are qualified and competent and everything.”

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