
Edo 2024: Another Female LP Aspirant Joins Race

Angela Aburime-Asom, a medical doctor has signified her interest in becoming the next Governor of Edo State, South-south Nigeria under the platform of the Labour Party, LP.

Gatekeepers News reports that Aburime-Asom, who became the third female to do so in the party received the nod of top LP chieftains in the state to vie for the governorship ticket of the party.

Meanwhile, the state chairman of the party, Kelly Ogbaloi has promised the aspirants a level playing ground.

Dr Aburime-Asom, a paediatrician, hails from the Edo Central senatorial district, which is highly favoured to produce the next governor of the state.

Ogbaloi, while receiving Aburime-Asom and her supporters, restated the readiness of the party to take over the reins of government next year from the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP.

Aburime-Asom, while addressing journalists expressed satisfaction with the carpet reception accorded her and her entourage by the state executive of the LP, adding that her letter of intent was received and also approved by the state party hierarchy.

She noted that with the green light she received from the top hierarchy of the party to vie for the governorship ticket, nothing would stop her from winning the primaries.

Aburime-Asom said, “I am excited with the reception I got at the party secretariat. It shows that the party is the one to beat next year. I have submitted my letter of intent and hopefully, I will win the primaries and be the party’s flag bearer at the election.”

Remi Ibikunle

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