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Edo 2024: Akpata Accuses PDP Agents Of Destroying His Campaign Billboards

Labour Party (LP) Governorship candidate in Edo state, Godswill Alpabio has accused supporters of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) of destroying his campaign billboards.

Gatekeepers New reports that Akpata, through a statement released on Friday said the opposition party did it to silence his party’s message of hope and positive change for the state.

Akpata added that the Labour Party has experienced several attempts at sabotaging its campaigns.

He said, “Over the past few days, we have witnessed a coordinated, premeditated, and insidious assault on our constitutionally guaranteed rights to free speech, political expression, and the fundamental tenets of democracy itself.”

“Billboards that I, as a law-abiding citizen and a gubernatorial candidate, legally paid for and erected across the length and breadth of Benin City have come under attack from the local government areas, who are agents of the incumbent governor, Godwin Obaseki.”

“In Oredo Local Government Area, two of my billboards were viciously vandalised, defaced, and ultimately torn down, with explicit threats of more removals to come.”

“The situation is equally dire and unacceptable in Ovia North East, where two more billboards bearing my visage and campaign messages were mindlessly destroyed by these merchants of antidemocratic forces.”

“In Ikpoba Okha, my campaign team has received unambiguous threats that our billboards in that area will also be targeted for elimination.”

The politician described the actions as “the desperate, last-ditch tactics of an intolerant regime terrified of the winds of change blowing across our dear state”.

He continued “A regime paralysed by the fear of the people’s burgeoning yearning for a new direction, a new vision, and a new era of progressive and inclusive governance.”

“By resorting to the destruction of my campaign materials, which I have legally and legitimately paid for with hard-earned resources, Governor Obaseki, and his handlers have clearly shown themselves to be anti-democratic forces intolerant of divergent voices, dissenting opinions, and the fundamental principles of pluralism that undergird any true democracy worth the name.”

Alpata further warned perpetrators to desist from the contemptible acts, saying he would not be intimidated by “cowardly tactics”.

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